
When a terrible old job gives you nightmares

I used to work as a case manager for an immigration law firm in Southern California. Technically I was a paralegal but they used different terms I guess. I did everything for the attorneys including client calls. The only thing the attorneys did was review my work before submitting, sign the paperwork and occasionally talk to clients. If they didn’t have to talk to clients, the better. I also was the only one in office while the firm hired 3 remote workers in Argentina! I always had to print their cases and ship them and even meet with the clients they’re helping because obviously they couldn’t come into the office. I was micromanaged by the head owner/attorney of the firm where I had to drop everything and talk to clients he would tell me that complained to him. Quite often, these clients would lie saying I never got back to…

I used to work as a case manager for an immigration law firm in Southern California. Technically I was a paralegal but they used different terms I guess. I did everything for the attorneys including client calls. The only thing the attorneys did was review my work before submitting, sign the paperwork and occasionally talk to clients. If they didn’t have to talk to clients, the better. I also was the only one in office while the firm hired 3 remote workers in Argentina! I always had to print their cases and ship them and even meet with the clients they’re helping because obviously they couldn’t come into the office. I was micromanaged by the head owner/attorney of the firm where I had to drop everything and talk to clients he would tell me that complained to him. Quite often, these clients would lie saying I never got back to them when I did. There was a sense of favoritism with clients who were rich or from this owner’s home country.

I did so much work all for $16/hr!! In Southern California!! That is not enough for even rent. I have my bachelor’s.

I tried asking for a raise many times because I kept getting more work as people quit left and right. I could’ve quit but I didn’t have a job lined up and was honestly afraid.

Back to present time now, I moved with my spouse because he’s in the military. We moved to Washington state: this allowed me to quit my job. I found a job in criminal law field and I get paid so much more!! Great benefits and work environment.

Last night I had a dream or nightmare that my current job shared an office building with my old job. I felt scared I was going back to work at my old job because I would see everyone from my old job. I woke up panting and almost crying because I thought I was back at my old job.

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