It's bad enough I always feel immense guilt when I'm calling out sick — And majority of my life
I've just gone in while sick because either A) I can't afford to miss work; B) I know my coworkers and bosses and the industry will look down on me or treat me poorly or not believe me; C) A lot of past managers have used that as reason to mess with your hours or requests off; and D) With little to no insurance it's gonna put me in a hole to go to a doctor to get a note or I'll spend hours at the ER or a sinjus infection or strep… all for a lousy note…
But it's always so much worst and a chore when you call out ill, legitimately sick, and the managers or people in charge tell YOU the worker to 'find coverage'… Like that is YOUR job homeskillet! You are the one who is supposed to find someone to come cover the ill person's shift. That's part of being a manager!
And if jobs (especially retail, food, and other service jobs) would stop staffing bare minimum skeleton crews to ~maximize profits~ we wouldn't be hurting so badly when ONE person is sick and can't come in. If there was some cushion room, we wouldn't run ourselves ragged working these busy wild shifts in the first place, let alone be hurting to manage the workload just cause one employee had life or illness events pop up that makes them unable to come in for a shift or day…