
When Has a Problem at Work Ever Actually Mattered?

My manager is going to be out all of next week. She assigned me to monitor all the group chats she’s currently leading, and respond to any issues. These group chats are constantly buzzing with questions. Half the group chats are related to processes I can’t even spell let alone know the first thing about. So what will I do? I’ll let it ruin my weekend. I’ll lose sleep over it. I’ll think about all the possible issues that will arise next week. When I’m walking my dog, I’ll go over all the scenarios (that won’t happen), solve those scenarios, and be happy for a brief moment rehashing my solutions. I’ll be riddled with anxiety, thinking about how unfair this all is. But here’s the harrowing reality. There will always be problems at work. Regardless of what job you have. Problems are never ending. They’re a metaphorical hydra. We have…

My manager is going to be out all of next week. She assigned me to monitor all the group chats she’s currently leading, and respond to any issues. These group chats are constantly buzzing with questions. Half the group chats are related to processes I can’t even spell let alone know the first thing about.

So what will I do? I’ll let it ruin my weekend. I’ll lose sleep over it. I’ll think about all the possible issues that will arise next week. When I’m walking my dog, I’ll go over all the scenarios (that won’t happen), solve those scenarios, and be happy for a brief moment rehashing my solutions. I’ll be riddled with anxiety, thinking about how unfair this all is.

But here’s the harrowing reality. There will always be problems at work. Regardless of what job you have. Problems are never ending. They’re a metaphorical hydra. We have this mental checklist. If we finish this project and complete these four tasks, our work problems will be solved. Our work anxiety will dissipate. But what’s waiting on the other side of this fantasy are more problems, more work, and more bullshit. Chop off a hydra’s head and two more take its place.

Luckily there’s a silver lining. Because here’s another piece of reality. When has a problem at work actually mattered? When has the anxiety ever been worth it? Do you remember what work related issue you were stressed out about a year ago? A month? A week ago? It’s all irrelevant. It all gets resolved. All this anxiety you’re putting yourself through IS NOT USEFUL. Play with your kids. Read a book. Walk your dog. Be present. Do anything besides worrying about work.

I’ll say it again. The bullshit work problem Does. Not. Matter. Your family does. Your hobbies do. Your health does. There are REAL problems in your life that require your time and anxiety. Work is on the bottom of that list right below defeating Godskin Apostle in Elden Ring.

This post was written as a reminder to myself; hopefully it hits someone else at the perfect time as well. 🤗

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