
When i asked the GM about Covid pay he replied “It’s not a must for the company”

That’s literally what i was just told after requesting Covid pay. Here in California, we’re required to get it. I been hounding the GM about Covid pay and after a week that was the answer I got. Nvm that rent is due next week and my paycheck yesterday didn’t include Covid pay. I am furious. I asked one of the newer managers how covid pay works cause i feel like they been giving me the run around and he just smiled and said “yeah we don’t do that here.” I hate Dominoes. I hate these shitty ass minimum wage jobs that treat their employees like shit. Idk how I’m gunna make rent next week. I am just beyond furious rn.

That’s literally what i was just told after requesting Covid pay. Here in California, we’re required to get it.

I been hounding the GM about Covid pay and after a week that was the answer I got. Nvm that rent is due next week and my paycheck yesterday didn’t include Covid pay. I am furious.

I asked one of the newer managers how covid pay works cause i feel like they been giving me the run around and he just smiled and said “yeah we don’t do that here.”

I hate Dominoes. I hate these shitty ass minimum wage jobs that treat their employees like shit. Idk how I’m gunna make rent next week. I am just beyond furious rn.

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