
When I pass by Nordstroms I always remember they denied me a job back in college because I was in college.

Back in college, I had applied for a men sales associate position. I made sure I was up early and arrived 15 minutes earlier. I don't remember now but I think it might have been 20 minutes earlier. I had to wait 30 minutes. Then as soon we started we talked about schedule or something and I said I was in college and boom cuts interview. Oh sorry I'm working with too many people already who are in college wtf. But I'll show you around so then he showed me the department then I saw one guy who I had seen in one of my classes before working there which was random. Then I went on my way.

Back in college, I had applied for a men sales associate position. I made sure I was up early and arrived 15 minutes earlier. I don't remember now but I think it might have been 20 minutes earlier. I had to wait 30 minutes. Then as soon we started we talked about schedule or something and I said I was in college and boom cuts interview. Oh sorry I'm working with too many people already who are in college wtf. But I'll show you around so then he showed me the department then I saw one guy who I had seen in one of my classes before working there which was random. Then I went on my way.

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