
When is it Actually Acceptable to Write a Cover Letter?

Let me start by saying I hate the goddamn things. Trying to find a job I want and am qualified for is hard and anxiety inducing enough. Uploading your resume only to have to then fill out questions that your resume can answer on the next page is like pulling teeth. Then there's the cover letter section. For context, I am mostly looking at retail work close to my field (art and illustration) until I am comfortable enough to submit my portfolio. I found a retail job at a museum, but they wanted a cover letter. At that point, I just exited the damn application cause I am not sucking dick for the “privilege” of being considered. When do you guys think it is acceptable to write a cover letter, even when to me they shouldn't exist?

Let me start by saying I hate the goddamn things. Trying to find a job I want and am qualified for is hard and anxiety inducing enough. Uploading your resume only to have to then fill out questions that your resume can answer on the next page is like pulling teeth. Then there's the cover letter section.

For context, I am mostly looking at retail work close to my field (art and illustration) until I am comfortable enough to submit my portfolio. I found a retail job at a museum, but they wanted a cover letter. At that point, I just exited the damn application cause I am not sucking dick for the “privilege” of being considered.

When do you guys think it is acceptable to write a cover letter, even when to me they shouldn't exist?

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