
When is Winter coming?

The only thing that keeps me going is looking forward to the collapse of this unsustainable market. Idk when it’s coming but I can feel it. I just want the facade to be torn away. Some speculators say it’s happening this summer, other say those guys are doomsayers. Who knows which side is right but it can’t come soon enough. In the meantime, I’ll keep working my mandatory 50 hours a week for 28K a year.

The only thing that keeps me going is looking forward to the collapse of this unsustainable market. Idk when it’s coming but I can feel it. I just want the facade to be torn away.
Some speculators say it’s happening this summer, other say those guys are doomsayers. Who knows which side is right but it can’t come soon enough.
In the meantime, I’ll keep working my mandatory 50 hours a week for 28K a year.

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