
Where can I find the least bad jobs?

Where would r/antiwork suggest looking for the least bad jobs? I'm a mechanical engineer in Los Angeles who's coming back to the workforce after four years as a stay-at-home dad. Ideally I'd like a union or worker co-op job, but I've never done anything like that before, and I'm having a tough time figuring out where to even search. I could contact my old recruiter, but he'll just maximize his commission with no regard to how stressful the job is. My top priority is not hating every single day I show up, followed by making cool stuff that society actually needs. I'm willing to accept drastically lower pay than the industry average if treated like a human being, especially if it's my co-workers who receive that difference in pay.

Where would r/antiwork suggest looking for the least bad jobs?

I'm a mechanical engineer in Los Angeles who's coming back to the workforce after four years as a stay-at-home dad. Ideally I'd like a union or worker co-op job, but I've never done anything like that before, and I'm having a tough time figuring out where to even search. I could contact my old recruiter, but he'll just maximize his commission with no regard to how stressful the job is.

My top priority is not hating every single day I show up, followed by making cool stuff that society actually needs. I'm willing to accept drastically lower pay than the industry average if treated like a human being, especially if it's my co-workers who receive that difference in pay.

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