
Where is the breaking point?

Just lost my job and my rent was increased again… looking at job opportunities in my area and things look bleak. Spent my last $20 just to get home. If I don't find work soon I'm not even sure I'll be able to stay in school. It's all just got me thinking between the mega rich, corrupt politicians, artificial inflation, constantly spiking housing costs where is the line in the sand? We aren't being priced out of the American dream we are being forced out of America. While everyone in power enjoys the wealth we'll never see. Where is the breaking point? Since they won't act, we must to force change.

Just lost my job and my rent was increased again… looking at job opportunities in my area and things look bleak. Spent my last $20 just to get home. If I don't find work soon I'm not even sure I'll be able to stay in school. It's all just got me thinking between the mega rich, corrupt politicians, artificial inflation, constantly spiking housing costs where is the line in the sand? We aren't being priced out of the American dream we are being forced out of America. While everyone in power enjoys the wealth we'll never see. Where is the breaking point? Since they won't act, we must to force change.

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