
Where is the conversation/movement for customer reform?

I work in food service. 100% corporate, low skill, low education, medium effort, low pay. When it comes to management, i have little complaints. Ive fought and worked hard for a few years to get my current wage, and a location in a decent neighborhood working under my favorite manager in the district. I’m decent at money management, kid-free, and have a strong support system with my roommate and family so while i feel for all of you who are making 50-100k a year and still struggling, those same struggles dont really apply to me. Maybe this is coming from a place of privilege, but my biggest issues with my job and work in general lies with the customers. Ive been berated, robbed, threatened, my girlfriend has been attacked with coffee mugs and drinks on multiple occasions. Customers will lie, overreact, hide food i know i gave them, make complaints,…

I work in food service. 100% corporate, low skill, low education, medium effort, low pay. When it comes to management, i have little complaints. Ive fought and worked hard for a few years to get my current wage, and a location in a decent neighborhood working under my favorite manager in the district. I’m decent at money management, kid-free, and have a strong support system with my roommate and family so while i feel for all of you who are making 50-100k a year and still struggling, those same struggles dont really apply to me. Maybe this is coming from a place of privilege, but my biggest issues with my job and work in general lies with the customers. Ive been berated, robbed, threatened, my girlfriend has been attacked with coffee mugs and drinks on multiple occasions. Customers will lie, overreact, hide food i know i gave them, make complaints, intentionally slip on wet floors, allege discrimination, all in attempt to get free/extra shit or money. Working customer service has opened my eyes to the sheer number of grown ass adults walking around free that are illiterate, aggressive, self centered shitheads and they still expect to be served with a smile like the sun itself shines outta their obnoxious smelly ass. The worst of them all are the ones who come in, eat their food, act like everythings great and then go home and spend an hour writing a review for no other reason than to get someone they dont know fired.

Tldr: i enjoy my job, and love making good food for good people. But some people fucking suck and it seems like no ones talking about it

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