
Where is the line between ‘Just a joke’ and sexual harassment from a manager?

This was the only place I could think to ask this question. A new manager was hired in my store, I plan on quitting soon but the person I told this to said it was textbook harassment. I've only known him a week but this happened today and I felt really uncomfortable. He's a jokester or whatever, his humour doesn't land too well with me but it's nice to have someone smiling and laughing around. I thought he was pretty cool the first few days, he's constantly laughing and making jokes. I'm more work orientated so I end up not talking to him much and just doing my job. Today it was the first time it was just him and I working, and it was,, very uncomfortable. He had learned I was transgender (90% of the company is queer so I'm somewhat open) and started to ask the classic “Can…

This was the only place I could think to ask this question.

A new manager was hired in my store, I plan on quitting soon but the person I told this to said it was textbook harassment. I've only known him a week but this happened today and I felt really uncomfortable.

He's a jokester or whatever, his humour doesn't land too well with me but it's nice to have someone smiling and laughing around. I thought he was pretty cool the first few days, he's constantly laughing and making jokes. I'm more work orientated so I end up not talking to him much and just doing my job. Today it was the first time it was just him and I working, and it was,, very uncomfortable.

He had learned I was transgender (90% of the company is queer so I'm somewhat open) and started to ask the classic “Can I ask whats in your pants? Is [insert slur] offensive? so like, who do you have sex with?” questions. They're always annoying and upsetting but It's common so I ignore it. I think I must've given him too much lenience or been too calm about it because he just started making joke after joke about it. Like how I have 'big clit energy', like to 'dance the pole' (?? because i'm gay, idfk), have no penis, ect. He got really sexual and was joking about having sex with his wife and wouldnt stop talking about her body as well as a few SA jokes for the cherry on top I suppose.

I dont know if this is just me not setting proper boundaries, him being a general annoying coworker or an actually very bad situation. Just a few weeks ago he had been the first to take action and ban a customer who had been doing all the same things he's doing now. He didnt start until after all my coworkers left and he's significantly larger than me (like almost two feet taller) and I wasn't comfortable setting those boundaries, so should I just deal with it for the next month?

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