
who the fuck invented COVER LETTERS?

RANT: let's be clear, what is the purpose of such a document? It is very clear that I'm applying for your job because I want MONEY to LIVE. why do I need to write one paper of extreme bullshit, and pretend that I will be the saviour of your company? When I know that I will be working 48 hours per week for a stupid wage! DON'T GET ME WRONG, I do write those, but it is a very annoying process that consumes time and effort. and I have the feeling that no one read them! and it is torture, as each and every job is requiring a custom made COVER LETTER.


let's be clear, what is the purpose of such a document? It is very clear that I'm applying for your job because I want MONEY to LIVE. why do I need to write one paper of extreme bullshit, and pretend that I will be the saviour of your company? When I know that I will be working 48 hours per week for a stupid wage!

DON'T GET ME WRONG, I do write those, but it is a very annoying process that consumes time and effort. and I have the feeling that no one read them! and it is torture, as each and every job is requiring a custom made COVER LETTER.

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