
Why am I working so hard for people who don’t even read my emails?

I posted to vent in r/offmychest but am still working through my frustrations so I guess I'm posting again. I'm an assistant and luckily I don't REALLY hate my job or my company. My coworker (the other assistant) got fired though so I've been stuck managing our entire exec team. Originally, we were supporting 3 execs each. My original execs are fine. But I feel bad for my coworker because omg her execs are not on top of their shit. She'd made some complaints about them to me before. Even before she got fired, I sympathized with her because even with my limited interactions with her execs, I could see where she was coming from. But now that I'm supporting them directly, my frustration and anxiety have just gone through the roof. They don't read my emails. I'm constantly wondering if they're gonna cancel shit at the last minute. They…

I posted to vent in r/offmychest but am still working through my frustrations so I guess I'm posting again.

I'm an assistant and luckily I don't REALLY hate my job or my company. My coworker (the other assistant) got fired though so I've been stuck managing our entire exec team. Originally, we were supporting 3 execs each. My original execs are fine. But I feel bad for my coworker because omg her execs are not on top of their shit. She'd made some complaints about them to me before. Even before she got fired, I sympathized with her because even with my limited interactions with her execs, I could see where she was coming from. But now that I'm supporting them directly, my frustration and anxiety have just gone through the roof.

They don't read my emails. I'm constantly wondering if they're gonna cancel shit at the last minute. They take forever to get back to me about their decisions. I'm left asking myself why I'm working so hard by staying organized for them when they don't seem to give a shit and seem to prefer just flying by the seat of their pants. I don't really wanna leave this job right now because the exec I was primarily supporting before I got stuck with the entire team really wants to promote me and I'd love to stay on to step into that role. If I got promoted, I'd be doing what I REALLY want to do and it'd be a career milestone and I'd be back to mostly reporting to my main execs. The current situation is just driving me crazy though. How can you be the head(s) of a company and NOT acknowledge shit from your assistant? And how do you not realize that the negligence/unprofessionalism just feeds into your emplpyees wanting to look elsewhere???? I just don't get it. They're full grown adults too!!! I feel like I have to try to anticipate what they might do and “get ahead” of them, which is just exhausting. Vent here if you're in a similar spot!!!

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