
Why are American companies so obsessed with knowing if Im Hispanic or not?

Every application Ive had specifically has a section just for Hispanics demographics. Ive been marking yes, but now that I think about it, I dont know if its actually hindering my chances given how every application Ive applied to asks this! Like why are companies so intent on knowing? And should I mark it as yes? The last few applications Ive submitted I declined to answer, but Im not even sure if I did the right thing anymore. Anyone has insider insights?

Every application Ive had specifically has a section just for Hispanics demographics. Ive been marking yes, but now that I think about it, I dont know if its actually hindering my chances given how every application Ive applied to asks this! Like why are companies so intent on knowing? And should I mark it as yes? The last few applications Ive submitted I declined to answer, but Im not even sure if I did the right thing anymore.

Anyone has insider insights?

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