
Why are boomer parents like this?

I just called in for the night. I work the night shift and had a horrible time last night. We were terribly understaffed due to a snowstorm yet the workplace ran full blast anyway. I got yelled at on probably about eight separate occasions for basically not being in two places at once. I almost quit, just walked out, last night. So tonight I called in sick. Well, my father is all angry and disappointed. He wanted me to get the overtime I would be on for the night. Yet when he worked, he only went in about two or three days out of a five day workweek because he had FMLA for years on end due to my bipolar mother. And when he went in, he was drunk about 90% of the time, and was suspended for months on end on several occasions for fighting back against people messing…

I just called in for the night. I work the night shift and had a horrible time last night. We were terribly understaffed due to a snowstorm yet the workplace ran full blast anyway. I got yelled at on probably about eight separate occasions for basically not being in two places at once. I almost quit, just walked out, last night. So tonight I called in sick.

Well, my father is all angry and disappointed. He wanted me to get the overtime I would be on for the night. Yet when he worked, he only went in about two or three days out of a five day workweek because he had FMLA for years on end due to my bipolar mother. And when he went in, he was drunk about 90% of the time, and was suspended for months on end on several occasions for fighting back against people messing with him at work.

Yet when I decide not to put up with being browbeaten, he's angry at me. Yes, he's a boomer.

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