
Why are older people THIS brainwashed?

Working at the good ol home depo and taking my break, in the room there were 3 of my oldest co-workers (all above 60-70) complaining about the work conditions at this store. They complained about the harassment from manager, the harassment from impatient customers that expect us to just poof appear next to them with the thing they wanted already in our hands, shitty hours,low pay, the heat cause the AC was broken, people leaving in droves, and finally the lack of employees. I butted into the conversation at that point and asked them “why do you think we have a lack of employees” and despite the earlier complaints they all looked at me, like something had taken over them and like clockwork one said “oh, its because nobody wants to work!” And they all agreed, adding “people now a days just want to sit at home and soak unemployment”…

Working at the good ol home depo and taking my break, in the room there were 3 of my oldest co-workers (all above 60-70) complaining about the work conditions at this store.

They complained about the harassment from manager, the harassment from impatient customers that expect us to just poof appear next to them with the thing they wanted already in our hands, shitty hours,low pay, the heat cause the AC was broken, people leaving in droves, and finally the lack of employees.

I butted into the conversation at that point and asked them “why do you think we have a lack of employees” and despite the earlier complaints they all looked at me, like something had taken over them and like clockwork one said “oh, its because nobody wants to work!” And they all agreed, adding “people now a days just want to sit at home and soak unemployment” with the final bit being “they are all just lazy”

I was and still am flabbergasted that despite just moments prior, they had already stated why this place was having an employee shortage, but just defaulted to factory settings when asked directly.

Like literally if you try to transfer in this store our store supervisor will call the place you are transfering to and tell them not to hire you, even if you were already hired and he just found out because of your two weeks.

They lord full time, benifits, and a measly bonus that the SAME.GUY. steals half of like its some grand prize to work for, but they will never give you even if you work yourself to the bone.

But yeah sure….no one wants to work.

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