
Why are parents letting their kids go through this?

There's been an influx of literal 15 year old children being verbally abused and physically exploited by grown adults at their jobs. Why the fuck do parents allow this? Is an insignificant amount of money from a fast food restaurant worth child exploitation? What happened to protecting kids? What happened to focusing on school? As if they don't have 60 years of work ahead of them anyways, so why not delay the process? I despise how individualistic this culture has become. And do not get me started on “owing” your parent money or paying them back for a meal. What??

There's been an influx of literal 15 year old children being verbally abused and physically exploited by grown adults at their jobs. Why the fuck do parents allow this? Is an insignificant amount of money from a fast food restaurant worth child exploitation? What happened to protecting kids? What happened to focusing on school? As if they don't have 60 years of work ahead of them anyways, so why not delay the process? I despise how individualistic this culture has become. And do not get me started on “owing” your parent money or paying them back for a meal. What??

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