
why are the managers making so much when the workplace looks like…this

Typing this at my small buissness family owned food service job where I have been running the entire store alone for 2 hours. Serving customers and making the food. Why, you ask? Well because both of my managers are in the back, taking a nap. I only have 2 hours left of my shift and haven't gotten to take a break yet (which, by the way, the break time is automatically taken from our checks so if I don't take it I just don't get paid for 30 minutes of work) Things like this regularly happen. They'll leave for hours to go shopping ON THE CLOCK. Sit and watch TV while the employees do all if the work. They show up 30+ minutes late regularly to open the store. I don't know how much they make but I know it's a good amount just listening to their spending habits (vacations…

Typing this at my small buissness family owned food service job where I have been running the entire store alone for 2 hours. Serving customers and making the food. Why, you ask? Well because both of my managers are in the back, taking a nap. I only have 2 hours left of my shift and haven't gotten to take a break yet (which, by the way, the break time is automatically taken from our checks so if I don't take it I just don't get paid for 30 minutes of work)

Things like this regularly happen. They'll leave for hours to go shopping ON THE CLOCK. Sit and watch TV while the employees do all if the work. They show up 30+ minutes late regularly to open the store. I don't know how much they make but I know it's a good amount just listening to their spending habits (vacations they talk about, and like I said they'll leave to go shopping and come back with hundreds of dollars worth of random stuff). I'm making $11 an hour and I open, close, run the entire store, clean the entire store…wtf

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