Stop with the “Voting X is what is killing the working class”.
Biden has a demo majority and what has he done with those promises to free us from the shackles of school debt?
What is he doing with minimum wage?
There is NO party wanting to fight for your rights, because their pockets are being lined by the same exact people. Stop enforcing the culture war THEY want us fighting and direct the attention at the politicians and fat cats that are sitting at the top eating pretty while YOUR children starve.
EAT THE RICH, regardless if they use red or blue food coloring.
Edit: I’m making my stance very clear. This isn’t x does better than y. Trump doesn’t care about you. Biden doesnt care about you. Rebublicans don’t care about you, Democrats sure as hell are in that same boat. You are defending politicians that make well beyond the means that make decisions that hurt you as a US citizen for what? They aren’t going to pat you on the back. You’re just as much of a corporate boot licker if you defend any politician or political party as the dude trying to get Elon Musk’s attention.