
Why are workplaces/colleagues/managers in the hospitality industry so consistently toxic?

Bit of a rant and I have my own theories…but yeah. I swore off ever working in hospitality again years ago, only to try and dip my toes in again and discover it was exactly as shitty as I remember. Just too many coworkers and managers with these weird gross egos who want to make other people feel small so that they can feel big about themselves…I think to combat some weird internalized capitalist shame they have about not having what society thinks is a “real job”…so they try and cut others down in their workplace to try and compensate and experience some kind of contextual power and status that they feel they lack in wider society. It's notoriously bad among chefs where bullying is basically the entirety of kitchen culture, but I also find it particularly awful among waiters and bartenders, career cocktail bartenders especially. In a lot of…

Bit of a rant and I have my own theories…but yeah. I swore off ever working in hospitality again years ago, only to try and dip my toes in again and discover it was exactly as shitty as I remember.

Just too many coworkers and managers with these weird gross egos who want to make other people feel small so that they can feel big about themselves…I think to combat some weird internalized capitalist shame they have about not having what society thinks is a “real job”…so they try and cut others down in their workplace to try and compensate and experience some kind of contextual power and status that they feel they lack in wider society.

It's notoriously bad among chefs where bullying is basically the entirety of kitchen culture, but I also find it particularly awful among waiters and bartenders, career cocktail bartenders especially.

In a lot of workplaces the atmosphere seems the opposite of supportive and conducive to teamwork…it's like everyone is constantly just waiting for others to make a mistake, secretly even hoping they do so that it gives them an opportunity to look/feel more competent. It also seems to get worse as people get older too because this bitterness sets in where you can tell they secretly really don't want to be working in hospitality anymore, and they take that frustration out on the people around them.

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