
Why do bosses panic when you go direct to big bosses?

I work as an accountant. Which means sometimes I have to speak to senior people, to explain their budgets. Today, I get a panicking manager who needs something paid in a day or we won't be able to do a recruitment fair, with various bigwigs around. Small drama, but big drama to him. To pay things by credit card, it needs authorising by the Deputy Director of Finance, so I put in a request to have a quick chat. As I know she gets around 200 emails a day and would likely ignore my e-mail until it was too late. I speak to her, explain what's going on, apologise as it's low value, but ask her to okay it the next day when I get a request in to her. All fine. I forget about it. Around 2 hours after we have all knocked off, I get a call from…

I work as an accountant. Which means sometimes I have to speak to senior people, to explain their budgets.

Today, I get a panicking manager who needs something paid in a day or we won't be able to do a recruitment fair, with various bigwigs around. Small drama, but big drama to him.

To pay things by credit card, it needs authorising by the Deputy Director of Finance, so I put in a request to have a quick chat. As I know she gets around 200 emails a day and would likely ignore my e-mail until it was too late.

I speak to her, explain what's going on, apologise as it's low value, but ask her to okay it the next day when I get a request in to her. All fine. I forget about it.

Around 2 hours after we have all knocked off, I get a call from my boss, the Head of Finance. I ask him what's up, given he is phoning in the evening on my personal phone.

He tells me he is phoning me up to make sure I'm alright.

I respond, yes I am alright. But why is he phoning me up then after hours?

He says he knows I spoke to his boss and he was 'concerned for me' and wanted to check I was okay as he knew I had done some extra hours.

I explained to him I'm okay and no, I haven't dropped him in anything (which is what I presumed he really phoned me up about) and to stop being paranoid. I then explained, I needed to run something past her due to an emergency with getting something paid ASAP.

I mean, I can't realistically run everything past him. He has 5 direct reports. He'd never get anything done, if we kept running everything by him.

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