
Why do I care so much about work – and how do I stop?

25F here. Around five months ago I got a corporate job which I thought was going to be “the real deal”. But, now, I am getting ready to leave it (and all roles like this) – and I need help on how to power through the last few months I need to stay to save money for when I quit. Essentially, things were rocky from the start. My immediate supervisor took an instant dislike to me and began acting passive aggressive at best, plainly confrontational at worst. It got so bad I started developing a lot of anxiety about going to work, and she made me cry in the office stall a couple of times. Because I did not feel HR was there for me (they are barely in the office and have never spoken to me throughout my entire onboarding) I went to my manager, and, after my supervisor…

25F here.

Around five months ago I got a corporate job which I thought was going to be “the real deal”. But, now, I am getting ready to leave it (and all roles like this) – and I need help on how to power through the last few months I need to stay to save money for when I quit.

Essentially, things were rocky from the start. My immediate supervisor took an instant dislike to me and began acting passive aggressive at best, plainly confrontational at worst. It got so bad I started developing a lot of anxiety about going to work, and she made me cry in the office stall a couple of times. Because I did not feel HR was there for me (they are barely in the office and have never spoken to me throughout my entire onboarding) I went to my manager, and, after my supervisor was given a stern talk about her behaviour, I feel not only she has graduated to acting as if I do not exist and all my work is awful and irrelevant but also turn the whole office against me.

The whole culture is very buddy-buddy, and they often get together for drinks after work. However, I'm never invited. I have tried my best to be friendly to everyone, but they just ignore me. I feel like my supervisor has inspired them to not speak to me and regularly disparage my work.

Basically, the work is not that interesting, the workload is ridiculous, people are not nice (and they are sometimes bullies) and I am leaving as soon as possible. How can I stop giving a shit, then? I have ADHD, which I think makes me extremely sensitive and conflict-averse, and I need help just powering through and not caring what people think of me and my work as I am leaving anyways.

TLDR; how can I stop caring about shitty work/colleagues and not feel “guilty” over giving up?

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