
Why do managers try to fob off broadening role as “opportunity”?

We have two large divisions mostly comprising of Executive General Managers, Vice President or so and so, General Managers, Project leads, Senior hoohas etc (about 70 people all up each earning well over $270 per year before bonuses). Their division names literally are “investments” and “strategy”. Yet I am being asked to build a huge ass model for the second in command to decide on where best the company can spend their money. I’m so fed up of this. I’ve got my lane, they’ve got theirs and yet I am being asked to fill in for overpaid execs. My boss is a brown noser waiting to overthrow the second in command and is slavering at the bit for me to do this work so he can take some of the credit for it. He tries to say “it’s only this, or there used to be some model maybe you can…

We have two large divisions mostly comprising of Executive General Managers, Vice President or so and so, General Managers, Project leads, Senior hoohas etc (about 70 people all up each earning well over $270 per year before bonuses). Their division names literally are “investments” and “strategy”. Yet I am being asked to build a huge ass model for the second in command to decide on where best the company can spend their money. I’m so fed up of this. I’ve got my lane, they’ve got theirs and yet I am being asked to fill in for overpaid execs. My boss is a brown noser waiting to overthrow the second in command and is slavering at the bit for me to do this work so he can take some of the credit for it. He tries to say “it’s only this, or there used to be some model maybe you can refresh it”. F@@k no you imbecile, those are one dimensional models for a specific purpose and is not what I’m being asked to build!!

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