
Why do people decorate the desks and cubicles they work at?

When you really think about it, decorating a cubicle or desk that you work at is about as stupid as putting tints on or painting a rental car. You don't own anything at the job you are at, except for the lunch you brought. Plus you end up with a lot of stuff to carry down to your car in the event you are fired. It's really a foolish practice that we should end soon. If it doesn't belong to you don't act like it does. Also, saying things like “my company”, “my team”, or “our business” when you aren't an owner is absolutely idiotic.

When you really think about it, decorating a cubicle or desk that you work at is about as stupid as putting tints on or painting a rental car.

You don't own anything at the job you are at, except for the lunch you brought.

Plus you end up with a lot of stuff to carry down to your car in the event you are fired.

It's really a foolish practice that we should end soon. If it doesn't belong to you don't act like it does. Also, saying things like “my company”, “my team”, or “our business” when you aren't an owner is absolutely idiotic.

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