
Why do people refuse to acknowledge how bad some jobs are?

Whenever I talk about hating my old job (manual work, heavy, boring, repetitive stuff) I almost never receive comments of empathy or concern. I never get people trying to discuss things with me in an honest way, or willing to understand the amount of hard work it takes to do certain jobs, and the impact it has on your life, your mental sanity and health overall. When I point out these issues I often get told that I should just deal with it, that I am being picky or ungrateful, or that I am lazy and selfish. Meanwhile those people have nice high paying jobs and go on to tell their friends and kids to do the same jobs they're doing. How are they not hypocrites? If being tired and unwilling to do a heavy low paying job makes you lazy then go do one yourself. At least have some…

Whenever I talk about hating my old job (manual work, heavy, boring, repetitive stuff) I almost never receive comments of empathy or concern. I never get people trying to discuss things with me in an honest way, or willing to understand the amount of hard work it takes to do certain jobs, and the impact it has on your life, your mental sanity and health overall.

When I point out these issues I often get told that I should just deal with it, that I am being picky or ungrateful, or that I am lazy and selfish. Meanwhile those people have nice high paying jobs and go on to tell their friends and kids to do the same jobs they're doing.

How are they not hypocrites? If being tired and unwilling to do a heavy low paying job makes you lazy then go do one yourself. At least have some empathy for the people doing those jobs. I don't get what their problem is. Sometimes I feel like I'm being peer pressured to work until I bleed or starve, all for some Karen to tell me I'm being lazy anyways

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