
Why do some restaurants make employees use the side/back door?

I was recently offered a bartender position after my “stage” and was told not to use ever use the front door, but to use the employee side door. I would get there an hour before any guests arrive so I'm not sure what the logic is behind this. I have a couple of theories, but would love to hear from restaurant owners/managers as to what their thought process is. I declined the offer for many reasons, but this really stuck out.

I was recently offered a bartender position after my “stage” and was told not to use ever use the front door, but to use the employee side door. I would get there an hour before any guests arrive so I'm not sure what the logic is behind this. I have a couple of theories, but would love to hear from restaurant owners/managers as to what their thought process is.

I declined the offer for many reasons, but this really stuck out.

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