
“Why do you want to work for us?” is the single most narcissistic question companies ask in an interview.

This questions reeks of narcissism. Companies just want to hear their praise on how good and desirable they are and how everyone is falling over to come work for them. I've actually replied to this question by saying it's the job I am attracted to. Organizations are just that, organizations. It doesn't matter. And you know what, this culture bullshit? It don't exist. Beneath the skin and past all the eye catching slogans and hype, most companies are the same. Its a business transaction. Treat it as such.

This questions reeks of narcissism. Companies just want to hear their praise on how good and desirable they are and how everyone is falling over to come work for them.

I've actually replied to this question by saying it's the job I am attracted to. Organizations are just that, organizations. It doesn't matter.

And you know what, this culture bullshit? It don't exist. Beneath the skin and past all the eye catching slogans and hype, most companies are the same. Its a business transaction. Treat it as such.

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