
Why does life feel like the point is to “work yourself to death.”

Taking the saying literally.. Most people will work until the day they die. In some way or another or still while holding a 9 to 5, full time job. If you ask any older person about their life the first thing they'll mention is kids if they had any, and then where they worked all of their life. It's like the standard modern day existence is work to afford to wake up in a bed surrounded by 4 walls and a roof so you can get right back to work the next day. Everyone loves traveling, time off, holidays, etc. but that's such a small fraction of our lives. I won't even mention the whole living for the weekend slogan as so many people don't even have the weekend off. Whether they're working two jobs or work a primary job and spend the weekend working a side gig or business.…

Taking the saying literally.. Most people will work until the day they die. In some way or another or still while holding a 9 to 5, full time job. If you ask any older person about their life the first thing they'll mention is kids if they had any, and then where they worked all of their life. It's like the standard modern day existence is work to afford to wake up in a bed surrounded by 4 walls and a roof so you can get right back to work the next day. Everyone loves traveling, time off, holidays, etc. but that's such a small fraction of our lives. I won't even mention the whole living for the weekend slogan as so many people don't even have the weekend off. Whether they're working two jobs or work a primary job and spend the weekend working a side gig or business. It's work work and more work and no time to actually live. I just started a job after being self employed for two years and I genuinely have so much dread and an overwhelming sense of doom before every shift. The job is mind numbing, draining, and I just want to sleep on my days off. Half way because I'm physically exhausted and partly because I just don't want to think of it. I have full time work, full time school, my small business, and if I get another free moment, I'll run out the door to do some door dash or instacart orders. It all feels so pointless. I don't live a luxurious life. Estranged from family. I'm turning 25 soon. I rent a basement, I drive a 6 year old small suv with 112k miles on it, I have a very minimalistic wardrobe. I meet my own basic needs but this still feels so wrong. I feel like I'm too young to feel defeated already. I'm going through school trying to get a job to get out of this only to finish with more debts and only a hope of a better job. What's the point in it all? I'm currently busting my ass to knock out my debt. I have roughly 6k in debt plus my vehicle loan. I've thought of selling my vehicle to get something around $7-$8k just to avoid as big a financial hit as my current vehicle isn't worth what I owe and that's only gonna grow in negative equity. But really aside from sleep, driving down the road with the roof off and blasting music is the only way I get by. It's stupid but that's the only thing that makes my hour commute to work and back, manageable. Life just sucks.

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