
Why does /r/LateStageCapitalism advocate for Socialism & Communism when Lenin said “He who does not work shall not eat” was a necessary principle under those ideologies? If they care about freedom & destroying the oligarchy, they should be supporting things like UBI, which separates pay from work.

Lenin wrote “He who does not work, neither shall he eat” and it was one of the central tenets of the Soviet Union, enshrined as Article 12 of their 1936 Constitution. The entire idea of “working for a living” is pure communism. UBI, on the other hand, is fuel for capitalism because it's literally handing out capital to consumers. It seems like the entire subreddit is misguided because they're too preoccupied with the “isms” and don't know enough about them.

Lenin wrote “He who does not work, neither shall he eat” and it was one of the central tenets of the Soviet Union, enshrined as Article 12 of their 1936 Constitution.

The entire idea of “working for a living” is pure communism. UBI, on the other hand, is fuel for capitalism because it's literally handing out capital to consumers.

It seems like the entire subreddit is misguided because they're too preoccupied with the “isms” and don't know enough about them.

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