
Why does society make you feel that you have to have a passion for working? (Venting)

I’ve been experiencing so much confusion surrounding my career since starting college almost 10 years ago. I never really felt passionate about any career path. Since graduating, I convinced myself that I wanted to go into medicine and worked towards it for several years. I completed a post-bac and earned an MS. After all that work, everything came to an end when I didn’t get into med school. When I look back on that entire experience, I realize that I wasn’t really passionate about medicine. I just wanted to be a doctor because I do enjoy helping people, the prestige, and the money. Knowing this, I can confidently say that I would have been depressed had I attended med school. It has been about a year since the end of my pursuit to attend med school. Since then, I have been looking for jobs unsuccessfully. It’s kind of crazy how…

I’ve been experiencing so much confusion surrounding my career since starting college almost 10 years ago. I never really felt passionate about any career path. Since graduating, I convinced myself that I wanted to go into medicine and worked towards it for several years. I completed a post-bac and earned an MS. After all that work, everything came to an end when I didn’t get into med school. When I look back on that entire experience, I realize that I wasn’t really passionate about medicine. I just wanted to be a doctor because I do enjoy helping people, the prestige, and the money. Knowing this, I can confidently say that I would have been depressed had I attended med school.

It has been about a year since the end of my pursuit to attend med school. Since then, I have been looking for jobs unsuccessfully. It’s kind of crazy how an MS in physiology can yield very few job prospects. Many jobs want me to get a phD and I honestly don’t see the point. It just seems like a huge commitment for a jobs that will only pay $80k max. My parents are getting old and I don’t know how many quality years I have left with them. I don’t want to waste my time getting another degree for very little return on my investment.

Everyone keeps telling me, “you just need to find what you are passionate about.” The truth is that I’m not really passionate about any career field. Every path seems sort of bleak.

We go to college, start our young adult lives with thousands of dollars in debt, then we have to work several years to pay it off. Meanwhile, we miss out on potential memories because we are slaves to work. We end up surrounding our whole lives around work. We can’t even properly take time off for bereavement, sickness, mental health, etc. We are just slaves to the system. To add insult to injury, we have people like Kim Kardashian telling people that they need to work harder when they have earned millions from underpaying people.

That being said, I’m not really passionate about anything related to work. I just want to live my life. I wish we didn’t need money to live life.

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