
Why don’t we actually do something about it

If everyone in this sub participated in a massive strike, and could influence others at their places of work to do the same, we would actually start to achieve some change. Or at the very least gain some notoriety. Yes, it would be difficult to organize and pull this off. And I'm sure there would be plenty of users here who wouldn't participate. I'm angry at the state of things, every day I wake up angry. I read how angry you all are. Why are we not acting? Or has this become just a place to air our grievances? And please, if there is another community any of you are aware of that takes these ideals seriously and wants to actually organize and change things, could you point me in the right direction? Thanks 🙂

If everyone in this sub participated in a massive strike, and could influence others at their places of work to do the same, we would actually start to achieve some change. Or at the very least gain some notoriety.

Yes, it would be difficult to organize and pull this off.
And I'm sure there would be plenty of users here who wouldn't participate.

I'm angry at the state of things, every day I wake up angry. I read how angry you all are.
Why are we not acting?
Or has this become just a place to air our grievances?

And please, if there is another community any of you are aware of that takes these ideals seriously and wants to actually organize and change things, could you point me in the right direction? Thanks 🙂

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