
Why have all my bosses always given me completely boring tasks? Job descriptions never match the reality.

When I was an employee, 90% of the time, my manager asked me to do pointless tasks. I've been an SDR in several companies, and it's always the same pattern: great job interviews, and an amazing job description… But then you start the job, and it's just a series of dull copy-paste clicks that add no value. Luckily, I'm tech-savvy, so last year I automated 80% of my job. This allowed me to take calls and attend meetings in the morning and chill for the rest of the day. I thought it would be cool to enable anyone to automate 90% of their tasks without their annoying boss knowing. We launched a beta, and I'm training RPA Workers to handle any web task. They mimic copy-paste clicks to do even the most complex tasks for you (we've already automated 50 to 70% of the job for 36 users). We're accepting…

When I was an employee, 90% of the time, my manager asked me to do pointless tasks. I've been an SDR in several companies, and it's always the same pattern: great job interviews, and an amazing job description… But then you start the job, and it's just a series of dull copy-paste clicks that add no value.

Luckily, I'm tech-savvy, so last year I automated 80% of my job. This allowed me to take calls and attend meetings in the morning and chill for the rest of the day.

I thought it would be cool to enable anyone to automate 90% of their tasks without their annoying boss knowing.

We launched a beta, and I'm training RPA Workers to handle any web task. They mimic copy-paste clicks to do even the most complex tasks for you (we've already automated 50 to 70% of the job for 36 users).

We're accepting new users gradually since it takes time, but there are still 62 slots open!

I know this community is perfect for this. Guys, I want to create the best tool that can automate ANYTHING, even on sites without an API or that seem impossible to automate.

Challenge me! What are the most annoying tasks you do on the web daily? I'll use your use cases to improve the tool and try to automate them.

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