
Why I have never directly addressed anyone at work as Mr., Mrs.,Miss, etc

With the exception of teachers, who are the ONLY ones who deserve that level of respect, I have NEVER in my 20+ year career been able to address any individual as Mr, Miss, Mrs, Sir, or Ma'am to his or her face, and if I ever did, it sure as hell wasn't out of respect for them. Sorry dude, I'm not calling you Mr. Harrison just because you walk around the office in your $7,000 suit with a “my shit don't stink” attitude. I don't care if you have SENIOR GLOBAL EXECUTIVE PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTOR OF GALACTICAL OPERATIONS on your office door, I'm still calling you Jimmy if I ever run into you on the elevator. Why? Because you haven't done a goddamn thing to earn my respect.

With the exception of teachers, who are the ONLY ones who deserve that level of respect, I have NEVER in my 20+ year career been able to address any individual as Mr, Miss, Mrs, Sir, or Ma'am to his or her face, and if I ever did, it sure as hell wasn't out of respect for them.

Sorry dude, I'm not calling you Mr. Harrison just because you walk around the office in your $7,000 suit with a “my shit don't stink” attitude. I don't care if you have SENIOR GLOBAL EXECUTIVE PRESIDENTIAL DIRECTOR OF GALACTICAL OPERATIONS on your office door, I'm still calling you Jimmy if I ever run into you on the elevator. Why? Because you haven't done a goddamn thing to earn my respect.

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