
Why I quit my 150k a year job.

So I was an mid level attorney making well over 150k a year. I don’t have any experience with service work, or what most of you are going through. I also have a trust that awards me money per month so it wasn’t the end of the world for me to quit. So by no means am I saying you should quit if you have no other income. I just want to share this story of how I figured out they couldn’t care about us, not even in the least bit. On my way to work one day, it was nothing out of the ordinary. I had clocked in and looked for my boss to make him aware I had arrived as we did every morning, and for the first time he wasn’t there. So me and 3 of our co worker’s we’re confused, he had worked there for 32…

So I was an mid level attorney making well over 150k a year. I don’t have any experience with service work, or what most of you are going through. I also have a trust that awards me money per month so it wasn’t the end of the world for me to quit. So by no means am I saying you should quit if you have no other income.

I just want to share this story of how I figured out they couldn’t care about us, not even in the least bit.

On my way to work one day, it was nothing out of the ordinary. I had clocked in and looked for my boss to make him aware I had arrived as we did every morning, and for the first time he wasn’t there. So me and 3 of our co worker’s we’re confused, he had worked there for 32 years and took that job as religion, he was making over 400k, and went to all the functions and events, he even attended the owners daughter’s wedding.

So hours passed and we started to get concerned. We notified the owner and and a few hours later he called the entire office in for a meeting, and I mean everyone even the mail staff and cleaning crew.

He starts the meeting of over 350 people by showing us photos of his home renovation, that included but was not limited to a garage extension, pool heating and marble floors in both of his kitchens. Once the slide show was done, he tells us that he has good news and bad news, then asks us which we wanted to hear first, we choose the good news.

The good news was that there was a vacancy of our managers position, and that no one currently is qualified to fill his position, but if we knew anyone that was, we would receive a $500 bonus if we referred them.
Which everyone took as good news, he then selected someone to do that job temporarily in the mean time. Immediately he dismissed us back to our jobs. One person asked what the bad news was. He had a confused look on his face as if he forgot the bad news and looked at his partner, who whispered something in his ear, he perked up like someone pinched him and uttered the words, “ohh yea I almost forgot, Mark died in a car accident on the way to work this morning, so if you know anyone with his credentials, you get 500 bucks”.

That’s the moment I realized that this whole system is fucked, and if they couldn’t care less of a man who gave his sweat and blood for 35 years for them, how much do you think they care about you?

I just want you to know, you hold the power, without you there is no company.

Fight for yourselves.

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