
Why I won’t ever work for a “christian company” again.

This is something that happened to me many years ago but I never really knew of this sub until recently so I figured I might share this story as you guys might get a kick out of it! (I certainly did) So I used to work as an assistant in a retirement home when I was around 19 years old. I didn't quite know what exactly I wanted to do with the rest of life but I've always figured that I wanted to help others so that's where I saw myself at the time. The retirement home, like many in my country, was managed by the catholic church. This basically means they get to pull shenanigans on paying taxes, they can be really oppressive about the wages and can openly discriminate during the hiring process because god forbid you actually hire a “enter religion/non religious group here”. Either way I…

This is something that happened to me many years ago but I never really knew of this sub until recently so I figured I might share this story as you guys might get a kick out of it! (I certainly did)

So I used to work as an assistant in a retirement home when I was around 19 years old. I didn't quite know what exactly I wanted to do with the rest of life but I've always figured that I wanted to help others so that's where I saw myself at the time.

The retirement home, like many in my country, was managed by the catholic church. This basically means they get to pull shenanigans on paying taxes, they can be really oppressive about the wages and can openly discriminate during the hiring process because god forbid you actually hire a “enter religion/non religious group here”.

Either way I was actually enjoying the work. Pay was shit, manager was an ass but it was fun. I didn't even mind that I was basically working close to TWICE the amount of hours a month of what I was actually hired for.I'd get close to 300 hours monthly sometimes due to other personnel being sick often…I still didn't mind since I loved hanging out with the old folk.

Until the day it all went sideways. When I was around 21 I found out that I got cancer, not a nice kind either. I quickly assumed all the stress had gotten to me and that I need to cut back and take care of myself.I put in my notice to quit at the retirement home and they seemed nice enough and understanding about it at first until we got to the part where I wanted to get my overtime paid out.I had some 1100 HOURS of overtime racked up (insane, I know) and simply wanted to be compensated. They told me the christian thing would be to donate the overtime. I reminded them that I have freaking cancer and will need the money so I have a financial cushion while I try to fight for my life/recover.

The manager and the owner both got angry with me FAST and outright threatened me that I'd never find work in the field again.

After threatening legal action even though I certainly had better things to do at the time (hello?!?) I got 1000 hours paid out but they made it clear that the upper management of the organization will blacklist me so that I will never get a job with them.

It was the day that I learned that they only have christian values if it benefits THEM and that I do not ever want to work for any religious organization anymore…ever.

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