
Why is everyone so greedy and the only thing they care about is making money?

Their is so much more to life then going to work and making money, coming home, eating, going to bed, waking up and doing the same thing over and over and over for 30+ years. Now before I get to deep into this I will say yes, I do believe everybody should contribute to society somewhat. However, the system has gotten so out of control and corporate companies have gotten so greedy that it is spire insanity. How much money do you need? 100 billion dollars l? 1 trillion dollars? The positive outlook to corporate greediness is that people finally are standing up for themselves and leaving jobs they hate to go somewhere and do a job they enjoy. Life is about making memories, enjoying time spent with loved ones, going to church, watching your kids grow up, family cookouts, etc. Life is NOT about making as much money as…

Their is so much more to life then going to work and making money, coming home, eating, going to bed, waking up and doing the same thing over and over and over for 30+ years. Now before I get to deep into this I will say yes, I do believe everybody should contribute to society somewhat. However, the system has gotten so out of control and corporate companies have gotten so greedy that it is spire insanity. How much money do you need? 100 billion dollars l? 1 trillion dollars? The positive outlook to corporate greediness is that people finally are standing up for themselves and leaving jobs they hate to go somewhere and do a job they enjoy. Life is about making memories, enjoying time spent with loved ones, going to church, watching your kids grow up, family cookouts, etc. Life is NOT about making as much money as possible. Enjoy your life, if you hate your job leave it! Everything will work out for the best.

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