
Why is working 8 hours a day 5x a week so normalized?

Now I'm quite young, just graduated from uni almost 3 years ago. I am finally starting to realize how fucked life really is. We have to work to survive. I am currently working a boring dead end office job that has a shit pay. I have been here for a little over 2 years now. I hate it, and my manager is not only inept, but a raging bitch as well. I would say on average, I am assigned a 3-4 hour workload per week and yet I have to sit glued to a desk pretending I am busy for an additional 36 hours a week. Not to mention the additional time wasted having to commute to that office, that is not paid for and absolutely should be. That's about 50 hours per week taken away from my life that could be used doing things that are a lot more…

Now I'm quite young, just graduated from uni almost 3 years ago. I am finally starting to realize how fucked life really is. We have to work to survive. I am currently working a boring dead end office job that has a shit pay. I have been here for a little over 2 years now. I hate it, and my manager is not only inept, but a raging bitch as well. I would say on average, I am assigned a 3-4 hour workload per week and yet I have to sit glued to a desk pretending I am busy for an additional 36 hours a week. Not to mention the additional time wasted having to commute to that office, that is not paid for and absolutely should be. That's about 50 hours per week taken away from my life that could be used doing things that are a lot more productive and bring me joy. I am in my golden years and feel as if it is being stripped away. I am sure this is a common feeling among many people slaving away to these companies. My question is why haven't we as a collective really tried taking the steps towards abolishing this norm? And how do you think we would need to be going about doing so? Life is already so short. We should be making the best of the limited time we have on earth, not wasting it away to make some filthy rich scumbags richer.

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