
Why job advertisements are so dull?

When you compare job advertisements and reality in workplaces, there is a major discrepancy going on. Job postings even for very basic roles have a huge list of demands and duties, and I just get overwhelmed looking at them. Where is the sense of reward applying for these jobs? They put so many demands there and yet in reality, people doing those jobs are not rocket scientists to say the least. So why the employers make job postings so draining to read that no sensible job applicant has the energy to bother fully reading them?

When you compare job advertisements and reality in workplaces, there is a major discrepancy going on. Job postings even for very basic roles have a huge list of demands and duties, and I just get overwhelmed looking at them. Where is the sense of reward applying for these jobs? They put so many demands there and yet in reality, people doing those jobs are not rocket scientists to say the least. So why the employers make job postings so draining to read that no sensible job applicant has the energy to bother fully reading them?

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