
Why not fight back?

I read through these posts somewhat frequently and often see people complaining about all types of blatantly unlawful behavior their employers engage in. Most people seem to inherently know that it’s “not right” and some even go so far as to point out the specific laws their employers are breaking. My question is this: why don’t people fight back? Most plaintiff’s attorneys in the United States work on a contingency basis, so there are no out-of-pocket costs. Yet very few people seem to lawyer up and start getting even. I’m genuinely curious why that is? I would love to hear people’s thoughts and any negative or positive experiences.

I read through these posts somewhat frequently and often see people complaining about all types of blatantly unlawful behavior their employers engage in. Most people seem to inherently know that it’s “not right” and some even go so far as to point out the specific laws their employers are breaking.

My question is this: why don’t people fight back? Most plaintiff’s attorneys in the United States work on a contingency basis, so there are no out-of-pocket costs. Yet very few people seem to lawyer up and start getting even. I’m genuinely curious why that is? I would love to hear people’s thoughts and any negative or positive experiences.

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