
Why people have no shame saying “my employee is going for maternity leave and I want you to be a replacement”

I find this so insulting like how did we get this far. I am not a damn replacement. I honestly after everything I experienced from watching people encourage unethical practices to harm patients, losing my job because I spoke up to protect my patients to employers stating they want me as a replacement I lost my passion and drive at work. I go because I have to not because I want to. I give so minimum and I just want to be self employed literally during work I look up self employment ideas. I fed up

I find this so insulting like how did we get this far. I am not a damn replacement. I honestly after everything I experienced from watching people encourage unethical practices to harm patients, losing my job because I spoke up to protect my patients to employers stating they want me as a replacement I lost my passion and drive at work. I go because I have to not because I want to. I give so minimum and I just want to be self employed literally during work I look up self employment ideas. I fed up

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