
Why should we have to work to make a living?

We “worked” in the past to harvest food, made shelter, etc. So what because we know how to make better shelters and harvest food better that we have to work for it? We were all born into this world without consent so why do we have to follow what society dictates us to do? Yeah I am sure everyone wants to be born to then have to go through years of school, entry level jobs paying minimum wage or less that still can't afford rent and needing to work 40 hours a week. If you'd tell me I was being born into these crappy conditions I would have just told you to keep me in whatever after life or heaven I was in prior to being born.

We “worked” in the past to harvest food, made shelter, etc. So what because we know how to make better shelters and harvest food better that we have to work for it? We were all born into this world without consent so why do we have to follow what society dictates us to do? Yeah I am sure everyone wants to be born to then have to go through years of school, entry level jobs paying minimum wage or less that still can't afford rent and needing to work 40 hours a week. If you'd tell me I was being born into these crappy conditions I would have just told you to keep me in whatever after life or heaven I was in prior to being born.

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