I started a new job and help total time cards. Boss gives them to me, I total them, she comes back and says no. Apparently the times you clock in and out don’t actually matter.
For example:
7:00-7:05=actual time
7:06-7:15=7:15 clock-in
7:15-7:20=actual time
7:21-7:30=7:30 clock-in
And so-on….
The same thing with breaks!
1-15 minutes=15 minutes
15-20=actual minutes
21-30=30 minutes
The only think that stays the same is your actually clock out time, meaning if you are unlucky with the time clock (say punch in at 7:21 every day and clock in a couple minutes early from lunch) you can lose almost an hour of pay a week, or even a whole 40 hour paycheck a year!!
I didn’t know places did this, as my first job was tracked electronically and paid by the minute. I have “late” anxiety so I’m always to work a bit earlier than needed and thought I was gaining some time clocking in a few minutes early each day. Needless to say, I will be far more attentive to when I’m clocking in from now on.