
Why the fuck do we care if students have good grades for post secondary education?

I’ve been well Out if school for some time – but I wanted to express an opinion. Why does it matter or rather how are my poor grades denying me the ability to learn at a university or college? What sense does that make? Oh you have poor grades so we won’t let you in? The fuck is that? Who gives a shit about my grades – let me learn – I think everyone and I mean everyone understands that grades mean nothing as you becoming older, yet we hold so much weight on it for our future. I for one think it’s a huge scam. What does an arbitrary number or letter do for me? If I can learn – the the thing that should be rewarded is the capacity to learn not a manufactured bench mark. Further more – what does it mean for a failing student to…

I’ve been well Out if school for some time – but I wanted to express an opinion.

Why does it matter or rather how are my poor grades denying me the ability to learn at a university or college?

What sense does that make? Oh you have poor grades so we won’t let you in? The fuck is that? Who gives a shit about my grades – let me learn – I think everyone and I mean everyone understands that grades mean nothing as you becoming older, yet we hold so much weight on it for our future.

I for one think it’s a huge scam. What does an arbitrary number or letter do for me? If I can learn – the the thing that should be rewarded is the capacity to learn not a manufactured bench mark.

Further more – what does it mean for a failing student to go pursue higher learning – they are automatically at the bottom rung – how can they ever move forward in life when a grade determines their success- what about the kids who come from broken homes – a grade a stupid arbitrary marker given by someone who’s being paid to give it to you. It’s a huge problem if you ask me.

Make it make sense to me.

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