
Wife got rejected by a recruiter with “access to 11,000 jobs” for being “too junior”

So my wife applied with this recruiter for a job, was given an assessment with 1day to complete, even though she works full time, 45 ish hours a week. She did a 6 month web development boot camp. She completed this assessment (and did pretty well on it) assigned to her by a recruiter who touted that she has “access to 11,000 positions” and stated that she was “here to help”. Yet another guy who completed the same boot camp she did was given a full week to do an assessment involving the technology of his choice, and though he didn't get the position yet, I'm assuming he will, as he has so long to complete it, and his brother is already in the IT field. He has time to study for it and ask his brother for advice, not to mention that he can just choose the technology he…

So my wife applied with this recruiter for a job, was given an assessment with 1day to complete, even though she works full time, 45 ish hours a week. She did a 6 month web development boot camp. She completed this assessment (and did pretty well on it) assigned to her by a recruiter who touted that she has “access to 11,000 positions” and stated that she was “here to help”. Yet another guy who completed the same boot camp she did was given a full week to do an assessment involving the technology of his choice, and though he didn't get the position yet, I'm assuming he will, as he has so long to complete it, and his brother is already in the IT field. He has time to study for it and ask his brother for advice, not to mention that he can just choose the technology he is most comfortable with and complete it easily. My wife was given an assessment on HTML, which she has a phenomenal feel for, it being a basic markup language. Meanwhile, the recruiter told my wife that she is “too junior” for “most” of the positions the recruiter has access to. Most? MOST? Even if MOST of the positions is 10,000 of them, or 10,500, or 10,750, she could still send my wife's resume and portfolio to 1,000, 500, or 250 of them. But she's “here to help.” I'm so angry for her… what a shitty recruiter. Anywho, if anyone knows any junior web development positions or companies that are hiring for them, let me know, and I'll shoot them her way. Thanks for reading!

TL;DR, wife completed 6 month web development boot camp, recruiter said she's too junior for most of the 11k positions she has, and if you know any, let me know.

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