
With us now entering the AI/automated jobs era; is this good or bad for your movement?

Firstly I'm not a member of this community. I've spent of most of my working life thankfully being able to decide on how or where I work. Apart from working for a big international finance firm, which was toxic on all levels. I have been what I would be called here the “bad guy” I recently decided to completely abandon (apart from discussion) Crypto for AI because I see a huge potential across all industries However I'm aware of the massive impact its going to have on employment. Both in terms of finding work and the nature of that work. E.g the recent news about Buzzfeed cutting 12% of its workforce to integrate AI. Resulting in a 300% increase in the companies value. In the coming years I suspect that this is going to become a common trend. Companies cutting staff to replace with AI. The renaming staff used to…

Firstly I'm not a member of this community. I've spent of most of my working life thankfully being able to decide on how or where I work. Apart from working for a big international finance firm, which was toxic on all levels. I have been what I would be called here the “bad guy”

I recently decided to completely abandon (apart from discussion) Crypto for AI because I see a huge potential across all industries

However I'm aware of the massive impact its going to have on employment. Both in terms of finding work and the nature of that work. E.g the recent news about Buzzfeed cutting 12% of its workforce to integrate AI. Resulting in a 300% increase in the companies value. In the coming years I suspect that this is going to become a common trend. Companies cutting staff to replace with AI. The renaming staff used to refine an improve the AI for the next round of job cuts

Shareholders/Senior Managment are happy with this because it cuts down costs while increasing output. Consumers are happy because it reduces prices at the till. Higher output, lower prices!

The major tool of the “working class” has always been the ability to halt production.

This has been eroded via various tactics E.g Exporting labour under globalization

AI and automation (E.g Self driving public transport and haulage) are the final step in this. The perfect disposable worker, just upgrade your software for improvement

Personally view this as the end to the workers movement. Because it will be the end of work. Various solutions have been proposed. The two most extreme being:

  1. A legal framework to limit AI to protect the idea of “work”
  2. Acceptance of the post work world and establishment of UBI systems

I'm in camp (2), as this is the only logical option to prevent social unrest. However I'm aware that this is still decades away. With the erosion of the workforce happening inbetween

Is this good for your movement or bad?

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