
Women/LGBT Individuals, How do you deal with Toxic Masculinity at work?

I work at a place where the menfolk laugh about making female servers cry and quit. One of them made a joke about me being molested as a kid in front of one of my tables. I make more money here than any other restaurant, and these guys aren't going anywhere. They're horrible but their artisanal chef skills are pretty niche so they frequently get drunk and aggressive at work, knowing they're not going to be fired. Two of my female coworkers want to transfer to a different store because one of the guys they brought back is so mean and ugly they fear he's going to hurt them. He's 6'3 and gets his kicks belittling girls that are a foot shorter than him. Multiple cases of assault have happened at my work throughout its' history, so the girls fears aren't ridiculous. All the chefs are alcoholics and on child…

I work at a place where the menfolk laugh about making female servers cry and quit. One of them made a joke about me being molested as a kid in front of one of my tables. I make more money here than any other restaurant, and these guys aren't going anywhere. They're horrible but their artisanal chef skills are pretty niche so they frequently get drunk and aggressive at work, knowing they're not going to be fired.

Two of my female coworkers want to transfer to a different store because one of the guys they brought back is so mean and ugly they fear he's going to hurt them. He's 6'3 and gets his kicks belittling girls that are a foot shorter than him. Multiple cases of assault have happened at my work throughout its' history, so the girls fears aren't ridiculous. All the chefs are alcoholics and on child support.

So far I've read three dark psychology books and I even had Botox in my forehead and jaw so they couldn't tell when I'm about to cry (I hide in the bathroom and the walk in when they get really bad)

Last night the big scary one screamed at me saying I threw a broom at him when I dropped it into his hand. Everyone saw what actually happened but I realized I was dealing with a different kind of crazy. I just glared at him and walked away. I've decided I'm not buying tickets to the circus…just trying to make my money and leave

However I do want to break their spirits thrice as hard as they have attempted to break mine.

***As a result of these incidents we're all scheduled to have yet another work meeting, which we have periodically at 9am where everyone screams at eachother and nothing changes.

But apparently the big corporate strict guy is going to come in next week, which means nothing to me since these guys have been here forever.

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