
“Wonderful” parents

For all of you guys with those “wonderful” parents who want the best for you in career/life… what a crock of shit. None of us asked to be here. None of us signed a waiver to consent to experience this circus of pain. BuT THeRe’s GoOd MomEnTs tOo, they’ll say. Why do we have to experience hundreds of groin-punches before we finally get that weak sloppy kiss on the cheek? Did they think we’d grow to be masochists for our abusive employers? And best yet, they want us to start working with deep debt because of college. All for the incredible opportunity to be underpaid and overworked. If you detest to any of the these circumstances, which you will, then I guess you're just depressed. Here take some trazodone and be on your way. Hell, it seems that the best thing our parents could’ve done for us is one simple,…

For all of you guys with those “wonderful” parents who want the best for you in career/life… what a crock of shit. None of us asked to be here. None of us signed a waiver to consent to experience this circus of pain. BuT THeRe’s GoOd MomEnTs tOo, they’ll say. Why do we have to experience hundreds of groin-punches before we finally get that weak sloppy kiss on the cheek? Did they think we’d grow to be masochists for our abusive employers? And best yet, they want us to start working with deep debt because of college. All for the incredible opportunity to be underpaid and overworked. If you detest to any of the these circumstances, which you will, then I guess you're just depressed. Here take some trazodone and be on your way.

Hell, it seems that the best thing our parents could’ve done for us is one simple, inexpensive thing. Wrapped it up! My brain just cannot process life right now. Sorry for ranting, good luck out there

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