
Wondering your perspective on this

I pretty much agree with the core beliefs of this group: Corporations put profit over people, will replace you mere days after you are dead and see you as a cash cow. With that being said, was wondering what you guys think that corporations like Dicks sporting goods are very willing to pay their workers money to travel and get an abortion rather than pay them maternity leave. and some corporations like Patagonia are willing to pay their employees bail if they get arrested in an abortion protest. To me, it seems as if Corporations see it as they make more profit forcing you to slave away at work rather than pay you maternity leave. Just the about face switch from them not caring at all to completely supporting employees seems to me like abortion is just another tool to get you to put in more hours and work more…

I pretty much agree with the core beliefs of this group: Corporations put profit over people, will replace you mere days after you are dead and see you as a cash cow. With that being said, was wondering what you guys think that corporations like Dicks sporting goods are very willing to pay their workers money to travel and get an abortion rather than pay them maternity leave. and some corporations like Patagonia are willing to pay their employees bail if they get arrested in an abortion protest. To me, it seems as if Corporations see it as they make more profit forcing you to slave away at work rather than pay you maternity leave. Just the about face switch from them not caring at all to completely supporting employees seems to me like abortion is just another tool to get you to put in more hours and work more overtime. Childless adults do make for better cash cows, as they can give their full energy and their full commitment to their career. What do you think?

edit: also, why would these corporations shell out TONS of money to support abortion if they are interested in the next generation labor force? it makes no sense to me, can someone explain?

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