
Work a month for us to so that we can make sure that you are a cultural fit.

This happened over a year ago. I was actively looking for a new job and got in touch with a startup who seemingly does really awesome work in that domain. I was excited too because it could give me a chance to work on research side of things. I applied for the job and got an interview. The first round went OK I guess. There were times when I felt that they were making fun of me. I didn't mind much. Maybe it was my “incompetence” or just bad timing. Either way the interview was over and I was told that there will be a second technical interview. So I waited. A couple of days pass by and they reach out to me. Their company values the employee's cultural fit more than the technical skills. They say it's more important since the technical skills can be taught (which was awesome).…

This happened over a year ago. I was actively looking for a new job and got in touch with a startup who seemingly does really awesome work in that domain. I was excited too because it could give me a chance to work on research side of things.

I applied for the job and got an interview. The first round went OK I guess. There were times when I felt that they were making fun of me. I didn't mind much. Maybe it was my “incompetence” or just bad timing. Either way the interview was over and I was told that there will be a second technical interview. So I waited.

A couple of days pass by and they reach out to me. Their company values the employee's cultural fit more than the technical skills. They say it's more important since the technical skills can be taught (which was awesome). I was excited too since that was exactly what I needed. I was way too drained, both emotionally and mentally, because of my burnout during that time. My first job was horrible and the second one was a bit better. The second one was however slow and didn't really offer me a proper career progression. This company could change that.

Everything was sunshine and butterflies until they hit me with their requirement. Instead of the second round, they want me to work full time for them for a month so that they can make sure than I am a cultural fit. They will be paying me but it will be like a full time job.

I was feeling numb for a few minutes. Did they just ask me to work for a month full time? I was already working 45-50hrs a week for my current job and now an extra 45-50 hrs for the other company? Hell no. I tried explaining to them that 1) I'm, according to my contract with my current employer, not allowed to do any other work for any other party on my own. 2) I was going through a severe burnout at that time and I had the energy of a gold fish. But nope. They were adamant.

I politely refused and moved on. I'm glad that I did not take it. I was already struggling with my burnout and having a second job could make it worse. The extra money would have been nice but working full time for a company that may or may not recruit me, while knowingly breaching my current contract and putting my work and health on jeopardy, didn't make any sense. I'm glad that I moved on.

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