
Work and neurodivergence.

Anyone else here have ADD/ADHD or are on the autism spectrum? I have ADHD and I swear to god nothing makes me feel that I don’t really belong here or feel like a failure more than working jobs I don’t give a shit about for shit pay and not being able to keep them. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever been able to stay at a job longer than a year. The fact that I have to do this shit for 40 more years and barely scrape by is horribly depressing and if I’m being fully transparent, it’s made me genuinely suicidal at times. I want to exercise and hike, I want to learn to farm and forage. I want to focus on my art (whichever medium I’m currently fixated on), but I can’t really do any of that because I have to work 5 days a week. All my…

Anyone else here have ADD/ADHD or are on the autism spectrum? I have ADHD and I swear to god nothing makes me feel that I don’t really belong here or feel like a failure more than working jobs I don’t give a shit about for shit pay and not being able to keep them. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever been able to stay at a job longer than a year. The fact that I have to do this shit for 40 more years and barely scrape by is horribly depressing and if I’m being fully transparent, it’s made me genuinely suicidal at times. I want to exercise and hike, I want to learn to farm and forage. I want to focus on my art (whichever medium I’m currently fixated on), but I can’t really do any of that because I have to work 5 days a week. All my energy goes to work. And with bills I’m still broke as shit. I really don’t know what to do here, man. How do my fellow neurodivergent people navigate this?

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